Implementing the correct design requires an investment in time and effort, but getting it wrong might be exponentially more costly. When testing software, something that can be heard is „human error“. But it’s actually the designers responsibility to anticipate errors and make sure they won’t happen. Good design and usability are important everywhere and especially in high-leverage situations. For example, on January 13, 2018, residents of Hawaii were in the shock of their lives. Saturday morning, Hawaii Emergency Management Agency issued an alert to residents phones saying „BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.“ The political climate and tensions with North Korea made people panic. They rushed to shelters, highways were flooded with cars and everyone was trying to get in touch with their family. One person said „We fully felt like we were about to die. I drove to get my kids even though I knew I probably wouldn’t make it, and wa...